To register, please fill out the following form. Please note that if you registered previously and did not recieve a confirmation email please re-register.
Please note there is a registration fee* of $100 for this workshop. Payment for the conference registration will be accepted at the registration table. However registration is strongly advised prior to the event for proper seating and catering needs.
Please send a check payable to "University of Illinois" to:
University of Illinois
Department of Computer Science
201 N. Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Please enter "Charm Workshop 2018" on the memo line of the check. Thanks!
A few registration fee waivers are available for qualified students. Please send an email to Seonmyeong Bak if you need a waiver.
Hotel reservations for this workshop can be made with Hampton Inn, a block of rooms has been put on hold for our workshop guests until March 9th, 2015. Please visit the hotel link on the left for more information.
For UIUC students: If you cannot pay, you may attend the lectures without the meals for no fee. You should still register to allow us to estimate the attendance.