April 19-20, 2016 Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA
Charm++ is a C++ based parallel programming system based on an introspective adaptive runtime system, with many features suitable for addressing upcoming extreme scale as well as mid-scale challenges, and with multiple highly scalable parallel applications such as NAMD. Our group's goal is to develop technology that improves performance of parallel applications while also improving programmer productivity. We aim to reach a point where, with our freely distributed software base, complex irregular and dynamic applications can (a) be developed quickly and (b) perform scalably on machines with thousands of processors. The workshop is broadly focused on adaptivity in highly scalable parallel computing. It also takes stock of recent results in adaptive runtime techniques in Charm++ and the collaborative interdisciplinary research projects developed using it.
The keynote speakers for this year's workshop are Professor Thomas Sterling (Executive Associate Director and Chief Scientist, Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST), Indiana University Bloomington) and Professor Barbara Chapman, Stony Brook University and Head of Computer Science and Mathematics Group at Brookhaven National Laboratory. In addition, there will be invited and contributed talks by external speakers, as well as talks by PPL members. Information on these speakers will be added as the program is finalized.