Call For Abstracts

Authors are invited to submit abstracts or short papers describing research and development in the broad themes of parallel processing emphasized by Charm++ and AMPI, including message-driven execution, automated resource management, and compositionality. Some specific topics of interest include:

  • Parallel computing algorithms and applications
  • Tools and techniques for performance analysis and tuning
  • Parallel discrete event simulation techniques and applications
  • Parallel libraries and frameworks
  • Extensions and new features in Charm++
  • Tools and techniques for application development and debugging
  • Massively parallel processing on future machines
  • Fault tolerance and resilience
  • Novel parallel programming models and abstractions
  • Adaptive runtime systems
  • Runtime management of power, energy, and heat

Submissions should be in the form of extended abstracts up to 3 pages. The presentations will be posted at the Workshop website, but there will be no published proceedings. Authors are encouraged to publish them in other conferences.

Please send submissions to Xiang Ni ( by the deadline below.

Important Dates

Abstracts Due March 15th
Notification of Acceptance March 20th
Workshop April 29th-30th, 2014

Early submission is welcome and will expedite the reviewing process. Authors of early submissions will be notified of their acceptance as soon as possible.