Figure 1. Schematic representation of
metal-organic framework (MOF) with hydrogen moelcules
Figure 2. Mean square displacement of
hydrogen molecules inside different active sites of metal-organic
framework (MOF) at 77K
Figure 3. Mean square displacement of
hydrogen molecules inside different active sites of metal-organic
framework (MOF) at 350K
We have used OpenAtom to understand and model the materials that are used for
hydrogen storage application, which is one of the major goals of today's
science and technology research. In this project we try to showcase the
diverse functionality as well as scalability of OpenAtom via performance and
scientific case studies. In particular, we focus on a metal organic framework
(MOF) with application to hydrogen storage that consists of 424 atoms (Figure
1) and 936 electronic states, and requires 0.8 billion plane wave expansion
coefficients to describe. The main goal of this project is to understand
hydrogen diffusion in MOF system at finite temperature as for practical
hydrogen storage media, the kinetic properties of hydrogen are very important
together with high hydrogen uptake capacity. To investigate the kinetic
properties such as diffusion of H2 in MOFs, CPAIMD simulation is appropriate.
In addition, path integral based CPAIMD can treat nuclear quantum effects,
which can acurately describe the diffusion process.
We have generated preliminary work on hydrogen diffusion in MOF-Zn using a
proper description of van der Waals interaction via the DFT-D2 method of
Grimme. Figure 2 and 3 bove depict mean square displacement of the hydrogen atoms
inside the MOF at two different temperatures. Movie on the upper right shows how H2 molecules
(in white balls) move inside MOF.
OpenAtom was employed to study doped graphene
sheets as transparent conducting electrodes in solar cells. Computations
were run on IBM BG/P and BG/Q supercomputers.
Dissociation of SbCl5 to effect doping of graphene
sheets for solar cell applications. The computations were run using
OpenAtom on IBM BG/P and BG/Q supercomputers.
We have explored the use of SbGe alloys as
materials that can be switched between two stable states with different
resistivity using pressure. The work led to the development of the
Piezoelectronic Transistor. The computations were performed using
OpenAtom on IBM’s BG/L supercomputer.