The Charm++ Workshop is aimed both at taking stock of the collaborative interdisciplinary research projects in which the Parallel Programming Laboratory (the developers of Charm++ and AMPI) participates, and exploring on-going and developing research areas which employ the primary tools provided by PPL.
Our group's goal is to develop technology that improves performance of parallel applications while also improving programmer productivity. We aim to reach a point where, with our freely distributed software base, complex irregular and dynamic applications can (a) be developed quickly and (b) perform scalably on machines with thousands of processors.
In addition to the computer scientists at PPL, the collaborators represented at this workshop include those from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (CS, ME, TAM, MS, Physics, Beckman), University of Washington Seattle, Princeton University, NYU, IBM and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC).
The 2012 workshop will be held, May 7-9th.