High Level Support for Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC) 1991
Publication Type: Paper
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In this paper we present a simple language for expressing divide
and conquer computations. The language allows for many variations
in the standard divide and conquer paradigm. It is implemented
using the Chare Kernel parallel programming system. The Chare
Kernel supports dynamic creation of work with dynamic load
balancing strategies, and machine independent execution. As a
result, implementation of languages and systems such as that
described in this paper is simplified significantly. A translator
translates divide-and-conquer programs to Chare Kernel programs,
handling details of synchronization and communication
automatically. The design of the language is presented, followed by
a description of its implementation, and performance results on
many parallel machines, including NCUBE/two, iPSC/2, and the
Sequent symmetry. User programs do not have to be changed to run on
any of these machines.
A. Gursoy and L.V. Kale, "High-level Support for Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism",
Proceedings of Supercomputing '91, November 1991, pp. 283-292.
Research Areas