Live Webcast 15th Annual Charm++ Workshop

Energy Profile of Rollback-Recovery Strategies in High Performance Computing
Parallel Computing (ParCo) 2014
Publication Type: Paper
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Extreme-scale computing is set to provide the infrastructure for the advances and breakthroughs that will solve some of the hardest problems in science and engineering. However, resilience and energy concerns loom as two of the major challenges for machines at that scale. The number of components that will be assembled in the supercomputers plays a fundamental role in these challenges. First, a large number of parts will substantially increase the failure rate of the system compared to the failure frequency of current machines. Second, those components have to fit within the power envelope of the installation and keep the energy consumption within operational margins. Extreme-scale machines will have to incorporate fault tolerance mechanisms and honor the energy and power restrictions. Therefore, it is essential to understand how fault tolerance and energy consumption interplay. This pa- per presents a comparative evaluation and analysis of energy consumption in three different rollback-recovery protocols: checkpoint/restart, message logging and parallel recovery. Our experimental evaluation shows parallel recovery has the minimum execution time and energy consumption. Addi- tionally, we present an analytical model that projects parallel recovery can reduce energy consumption more than 37% compared to checkpoint/restart at extreme scale.
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