High Performance Computing with Charm++

17th Annual Workshop on
Charm++ and Its Applications

May 1-2, 2019

NCSA Auditorium (Room 1122), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


The Charm++ Ecosystem

Charm++ is a C++ based parallel programming system based on an introspective adaptive runtime system, with many features suitable for addressing upcoming extreme scale as well as mid-scale challenges, and with multiple highly scalable parallel applications such as NAMD.

Our group's goal is to develop technology that improves performance of parallel applications while also improving programmer productivity. We aim to reach a point where, with our freely distributed software base, complex irregular and dynamic applications can (a) be developed quickly and (b) perform scalably on machines with thousands of processors.


The Charm++ Workshop

The workshop is broadly focused on adaptivity in highly scalable parallel computing. It also takes stock of recent results in adaptive runtime techniques in Charm++ and the collaborative interdisciplinary research projects developed using it.

The workshop is co-sponsored by Intel, Xilinx, NCSA, and Charmworks.

Important Dates

Category Dates
Abstracts due April 1, 2019
Author notification April 8, 2019 (rolling basis for early submissions)
Hotel reservation (Hampton Inn) March 31, 2019
Workshop May 1-2, 2019

Keynote Speakers

Fred Streitz

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Chief Computational Scientist
Director, HPC Innovation Center
Director, Institute for Scientific Computing Research

Fred Streitz leads efforts to develop HPC applications that push the limits of leadership-class computational capability to address forefront scientific problems. On four occasions, he has led multidisciplinary/multi-institutional teams recognized as Gordon Bell Prize Finalists for significant achievement in supercomputing.

His current focus, as Director of the HPC Innovation Center, is broadening the use of high performance computing by U.S. industry to promote global competitiveness.

Dr. Streitz sits on Steering Committees for Harvard's IACS and Argonne's ICiS, and serves as the Associate Editor for the International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. Prior to joining Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate in 1999, Fred held positions as a National Research Council Fellow at the Naval Research Laboratory and an Assistant Professor at Auburn University.

Steve Plimpton

Sandia National Laboratories

Staff Member, Multiscale Science Department

Steve Plimpton's research involves implementing and using scientific simulations designed for parallel supercomputers, which often requires creation of efficient parallel algorithms. Many of the models are particle based, some use structured grids or finite elements. Most of the codes he develops are for materials modeling, some for biology and informatics problems.

His current interests are molecular dynamics (MD), including LAMMPS and ParaDyn, Monte Carlo simulations, high performance computing, biological cell modeling, data-intensive computing and informatics, parallel algorithms, and more.

About Us

Workshop General Chair: Jaemin Choi
Co-Chair: Kavitha Chandrasekar
Co-sponsored by Intel, Xilinx, NCSA, and Charmworks

Organized by the Parallel Programming Laboratory at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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