Fine Grained Parallelization of the Car-Parrinello ab initio MD Method on Blue Gene/L
IBM Journal of Research and Development 2007
Publication Type: Paper
Repository URL: 2007_CPAIMDIBMJ
Important scientific problems can be treated via ab initio based
molecular modeling approaches wherein atomic forces are derived
from an energy function that explicitly considers the electrons.
The Car-Parrinello ab initio molecular dynamics method (CPAIMD) is
widely used to study systems containing hundreds to thousands of
atoms. However, CPAIMD's impact has been limited due to
difficulties inherent in scaling the technique beyond processor
numbers about equal to the number of electronic states, until
recent efforts by ourselves and others. CPAIMD computations involve
a large number of interdependent phases with high communication
overhead including multiple concurrent sparse 3D-Fast-Fourier
Transforms (3D-FFTs), non-square matrix multiplies and few
concurrent dense 3D-FFTs. Using Charm++ and its concept of
processor virtualization, the phases are discretized into a large
number of virtual processors which are, in turn, mapped flexibly
onto physical processors, thereby allowing significant interleaving
of work. Interleaving is enhanced through both architecturally
independent methods and network topology aware mapping techniques.
Algorithmic and Blue Gene/L specific optimizations are employed to
scale CPAIMD to 20480 nodes, about 30-times the number of
electronic states in the largest benchmark system presented.
Eric Bohm, Abhinav Bhatele, Laxmikant V. Kale, Mark E. Tuckerman, Sameer Kumar, John A. Gunnels and Glenn J. Martyna, "Fine grained parallelization of the Car-Parrinello ab initio MD method on Blue Gene/L", IBM Journal of Research and Development: Applications of Massively Parallel Systems, Volume 52, 1/2, 159-174, 2008.
- Eric Bohm
- Abhinav Bhatele
- Laxmikant Kale
- Mark Tuckerman
- Sameer Kumar
- John Gunnels
- Glenn Martyna
Research Areas