| Ortho () |
| Default empty constructor. For?
| Ortho (CkMigrateMessage *m) |
| Ortho (int m, int n, CLA_Matrix_interface matA1, CLA_Matrix_interface matB1, CLA_Matrix_interface matC1, CLA_Matrix_interface matA2, CLA_Matrix_interface matB2, CLA_Matrix_interface matC2, CLA_Matrix_interface matA3, CLA_Matrix_interface matB3, CLA_Matrix_interface matC3, orthoConfig &_cfg, CkArrayID step2Helper, int timeKeep, CkGroupID _oMCastGID, CkGroupID _oRedGID) |
| New functions necessary for using CLA_Matrix /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
void | makeSections (const pc::pcConfig &cfgSymmPC, const pc::pcConfig &cfgAsymmPC, CkArrayID symAID, CkArrayID asymAID) |
| Trigger the creation of appropriate sections of paircalcs to talk to. Also setup internal comm sections. More...
void | start_calc (CkReductionMsg *msg) |
| Symmetric PCs contribute data that is summed via this reduction to deposit a portion of the S matrix with this ortho, triggering S->T.
void | do_iteration (void) |
| Triggers the matrix multiplies in step 1 of an ortho iteration. More...
void | do_iteration (orthoMtrigger *m) |
| Used when array broadcasts in ortho are delegated to comlib/CkMulticast so as to not involve all PEs in bcast.
void | step_2 () |
| Triggers step 2, and optionally step 3 (if ortho helpers are being used)
void | recvStep2 (CkDataMsg *msg) |
| Receives the results of the call to OrthoHelper from step_2. More...
void | step_3 () |
| Triggers step 3 in the S->T process. More...
void | tolerance_check () |
| Computes square of the residuals and contributes to a reduction rooted at Ortho(0,0)::collect_error() More...
void | collect_error (CkReductionMsg *msg) |
| Computes the RMS error and either launches the next ortho iteration (if needed) or calls collect_results.
void | collect_results (orthoMtrigger *m) |
| Used when ortho redn/bcasts are delegated to comlib/CkMulticast because charm array broadcasts involve all PEs.
void | collect_results (void) |
| Computes walltimes, prints simulation status msgs and calls resume() if more openatom iterations are needed. More...
void | resume () |
| Sends results (T matrix) to the symm PCs (and also the asymms if this is dynamics) More...
void | sendOrthoTtoAsymm () |
| Used in dynamics, to send the results of S->T to the asymm paircalc instance which will use them.
void | acceptSectionLambda (CkReductionMsg *msg) |
void | gamma_done () |
| Used in dynamics, to accept computed gamma and send it to the asymm PC instance. Also sends T if it hasnt yet been sent. More...
double | array_diag_max (int sizem, int sizen, internalType *array) |
| S should be equal to 2I. This returns max value of deviation from that in this ortho's portion of the S matrix. More...
void | maxCheck (CkReductionMsg *msg) |
| Called on ortho(0,0). Checks if PsiV update is needed based on the max deviation in S received via a redn across all orthos. Notifies GSpaceDriver if so. Called periodically in start_calc only for dynamics.
void | resumeV (CkReductionMsg *msg) |
| Once all GSpaceDriver chares are notified, they resume Ortho execution via a redn broadcast to this method. More...
void | print_results (void) |
| Dumps the T matrix to an appropriately named file.
virtual void | pup (PUP::er &p) |
| pack/unpack method More...
void | orthoCookieinit (initCookieMsg *msg) |
void | all_ready () |
| called from each CLA_Matrix array (3 per multiplication, 3 mults)
void | ready () |
| Startup/Init synchronization. When all elements (PC, CLA_Matrix etc) are ready, first iteration is triggered.