POSE: Getting Over Grainsize in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation
Created on Friday 17 October 2003 by Terry Wilmarth
Table of Contents
- Title
- PDES definition
- Review of PDES
- Review of PDES
- Sequencing Error 1
- Sequencing Error 2
- Synchronization Strategies
- Synchronization Strategies
- Synchronization Strategies
- Synchronization Strategies
- Synchronization Strategies
- Enhancing Parallelism
- Overhead Reduction
- Sources of Overhead
- Smaller Posers vs. Larger Posers
- Enhancing Parallelism
- Longest Sequential Timeline
- Reductions from LST
- Reductions from LST
- Reductions from LST
- Adaptive LST
- Performance of LST
- Performance Highlights
- Cache Hits
- Adaptive Speedup
- Adaptive Overhead
- Communication in PDES
- Streaming Performance
- Adaptive LST w/CommLib
- Load Balancing in PDES
- LB Performance
- Planned Research