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Charm++ FEM Framework Tutorial


PowerPoint Presentation

Why use the FEM Framework?

Why not use the FEM Framework?

Slide 6

Slide 7

FEM Basics

Serial FEM Mesh

Partitioned Mesh

FEM Parallel Model: Shared Nodes

FEM Mesh: Node Communication

FEM Parallel Model: Ghosts

FEM Mesh: Ghosts

Slide 15

FEM Program Structure


Parallel FEM Program

FEM Framework Program



Structure of an FEM Application

FEM Mesh Access Calls

New FEM Mesh Access Routine (!)

New Mesh Access: Example

FEM Communication Calls

Node Fields

Create a Field

Update Field: Shared Nodes

FEM Ghost Layers

Ghost Elements: Overview

Ghosts: 2D Example

Building Ghosts:

Slide 34

Ghosts: Node adjacency

Ghosts: Edge adjacency

Extracting and Using Ghosts

Update Field: Ghosts

Ghost Example: Mesh

Ghost Example: Ghost Elements

FEM Installation

Where to Get It ?

How to Build It ?

How to Compile & Link ?

How to Run ?


Advanced FEM Calls

Advanced: FEM Migration

Advanced API: Migration

Chunk Data Example

Pack/Unpack (PUP) Routine

Registering Chunk Data


Advanced: Complicated Fields

Slide 55


Create_field Example

Slide 58

Advanced: FEM on MPI


Slide 61

Extra FEM Features

Collision Detection

Charm++ Collision Detection

Mesh Adaptation

Slide 66

Parallel Mesh Refinement


Slide 69

Slide 70


Slide 72

NetFEM: Easy Visualization

NetFEM: Easy visualization

NetFEM: Zoom in

NetFEM: Outline Elements

NetFEM: Point Nodes

NetFEM Server Side: Overview

NetFEM Server Side: Setup

NetFEM Server Side: Nodes

NetFEM: Node Displacement

NetFEM Server Side: Elements

NetFEM: Element Stress

NetFEM Server Side: Vectors

NetFEM: Element Velocity

NetFEM Server Side: Scalars

NetFEM Server Side: 2D Example

NetFEM: Conclusion

Conclusions: Charm++ FEM

IFEM: Intro to Matrix-based FEM

106 Rows is a Big Matrix

ILSI: Iterative Linear Solver Interface

Matrix Example:

Matrix Example: 2 Elements

Matrix Example: Derivation

Matrix Example: FEM

IFEM: Bottom Line

IFEM: Iterative FEM Linear Solver Interface