Charm++ Workshop 2004 Keynote Talk Title: The IBM BlueGene/L Supercomputer Speaker: Manish Gupta IBM T. J. Watson Research Center BlueGene/L, a massively parallel supercomputer being developed by IBM in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, represents a new way to build supercomputers. BlueGene/L uses system-on-a-chip technology, combining embedded PowerPC processors with powerful networks integrated on the same chip, to achieve high levels of performance with low space and power consumption. An 8-rack BlueGene/L system recently achieved a sustained performance of 36 teraflops on the standard LINPACK benchmark, passing the previous record held by the Earth Simulator. BlueGene/L is poised to reach 360 peak teraflops in 2005 when a 64 rack system with over 130,000 IBM PowerPC processors is installed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This talk will give an overview of the hardware and software design of the BlueGene/L system. In particular, we will describe the challenges in scaling the system to tens of thousands of nodes, while maintaining a familiar programming and development environment. We will present our early results and experiences in dealing with these challenges.