POSE: Getting Over Grainsize in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation

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Created on Friday 17 October 2003 by Terry Wilmarth

Table of Contents
  1. Title
  2. PDES definition
  3. Review of PDES
  4. Review of PDES
  5. Sequencing Error 1
  6. Sequencing Error 2
  7. Synchronization Strategies
  8. Synchronization Strategies
  9. Synchronization Strategies
  10. Synchronization Strategies
  11. Synchronization Strategies
  12. POSE
  13. Enhancing Parallelism
  14. Overhead Reduction
  15. Sources of Overhead
  16. Smaller Posers vs. Larger Posers
  17. Enhancing Parallelism
  18. Longest Sequential Timeline
  19. Reductions from LST
  20. Reductions from LST
  21. Reductions from LST
  22. Adaptive LST
  23. Performance of LST
  24. Performance Highlights
  25. Cache Hits
  26. Adaptive Speedup
  27. Adaptive Overhead
  28. Communication in PDES
  29. Streaming Performance
  30. Adaptive LST w/CommLib
  31. Load Balancing in PDES
  32. LB Performance
  33. Planned Research