OpenAtom  Version1.5a
OrthoMapTable Member List

This is the complete list of members for OrthoMapTable, including all inherited members.

availprocs (defined in MapTable2)MapTable2
dump() (defined in MapTable2)MapTable2inline
getCentroid(int torusMap)MapTable2protected
makeReverseMap() (defined in MapTable2)MapTable2protected
maptable (defined in MapTable2)MapTable2
MapTable2() (defined in MapTable2)MapTable2inlineprotected
minDistCentroid(PeList *avail, int nplanes, int state1, int state2, int numChunks, MapType4 *smap) (defined in OrthoMapTable)OrthoMapTable
nstates (defined in OrthoMapTable)OrthoMapTable
orthoGrainSize (defined in OrthoMapTable)OrthoMapTable
OrthoMapTable(MapType2 *_map, PeList *_availprocs, int _nstates, int _orthograinsize, MapType4 *scalcmap, int nplanes, int numChunks, int sGrainSize, PeList *) (defined in OrthoMapTable)OrthoMapTable
OrthoMapTable() (defined in OrthoMapTable)OrthoMapTableinline
ProcByArrIndex(int proc)MapTable2inlineprotected
reverseMap (defined in MapTable2)MapTable2protected
sortByCentroid(PeList *avail, int nplanes, int state1, int state2, int numChunks, MapType4 *smap) (defined in OrthoMapTable)OrthoMapTable
~MapTable2() (defined in MapTable2)MapTable2inlineprotected